About us

Is checkers a sport or an art? As always, the truth is somewhere in between. A good draughtsman cannot do without good physical fitness, especially during longer tournaments. On the other hand, many combinations are real masterpieces of art. Checkers for children and youth is an active and qualitatively filled free time, it develops communication, the ability to think logically, relying on knowledge, experience and intuition, to calculate ten or more moves ahead. A sport that harmoniously combines intelligence and logic, physical strength, endurance, emotional and mental talents.
In the summer of 2016, we founded the DIAGONALE society to promote and develop the game of checkers among children and youth in Latvia, to organize professional draughts tournaments for everyone interested in our game. In the first season of 2015/2016, about 400 children from 7 cities and regions of Latvia took part in the Albatross children’s tournament! During the 2016/2017 season, we expanded the tournament – it is already taking place not only in Riga, but also in Kurzeme and Latgale. The 8th season of 2022/2023, we will start on September 11 with the XXV Rimsha Memorial tournament in Riga in international draughts among youth teams.
May everyone be lucky and the dream of becoming a champion come true!