
Charming Vienna, charming Bratislava! You may still have time to see it!


Yakov Schaus, Markiel Fazylov, Yuri Kirillov and of course Alexander Shvartsman. And also the charming Petra Dushkova, the inimitable Katalin Mezheschan from Hungary and amazing Dutch draughts players! And all this at our international tournament in Bratislava from December 20 to December 22. You will still have time to jump into the last carriage of our Christmas train! Write and we will respond!

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Important changes for the Bratislava tournament! There will be Open tournaments in December!


Important! We have postponed our tournament to December and are going to make our dream come true! We invite everyone who loves draughts and professional organization . Taking into account the requests of many participants of our tournaments to organize a good Open tournament, we decided to change the format of our competitions in Bratislava.. So: “Bratislava Open-2024” will be held from December 19 to December 22, 2024!

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The IDF World Championship in Turkey! We accept applications until September 15th!


The World Youth Championship in Russian draughts, as well as the World Cup and the World Championship among veterans will be held in Turkey from November 1 to November 11, 2024. We invite all individual players who want to participate in the World Cup to contact us and leave their applications at: .

If from one group there are at least three people, then the owner of the first place, we guarantee accommodation from the organizers for free! The conditions are great and we sincerely wish that individual players take part in all the strongest tournaments under the auspices of the IDF! We are waiting for applications and promise legal support to the players.

We remind you! The International Draughts Federation (IDF) complies with all international requirements and is officially registered in Bulgaria! DIAGONALE Group is the official representative of the IDF in Latvia!

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Well, that’s it! Let’s go! IdDraughts technology is now available in our store!


Starting today, it has become possible to get a subscription to use the new technology in draughts – IdDraughts! Now you can record your games, workouts and broadcast on a small board! Instead of bulky equipment, wires, a whole system of connections, you only need a phone! That’s it! IdDraughts technology will be available to all residents of Europe, Africa and Asia, as well as Latin American countries!

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Congratulations to Yulia Polyanskaya on her birthday! Congratulations on your appointment as a coach at the Chameleon Club!


Congratulations to Yulia Polyanskaya on her appointment as a coach at the Chameleon professional draughts club! The club is her family and we believe that she will easily join the work. Julia, we wish success to your students and look forward to high results, as always, from the Chameleon draughts club. Your dedication and efficiency can only be envied!

Club ШК "Хамелеон"
Trainer Всеволод Тетерин
Year of birth 2003
Sport class 3
Rating 1271
Victories 29
Draw 8
Losses 35
Total 66
Percent 45.83%
Place 1
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Who is brave to come to Turkey with us? We are inviting individual players


In accordance with the Competition Calendar for 2024 the International Draughts Federation (IDF) is holding training events and international competitions ‘Turkey-2024’ – the Draughts World Cup – 64 in Turkey.
The competitions will be held in three disciplines: Blitz, Classic (international version of draughts-64), Rapid (Brazilian version of draughts-64).

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See you soon! ‘DRAUGHTS LEAGUE 2024’ in Budapest, Bratislava and Rome!


We started with 4 teams. This was the beginning of our long journey towards creating a good tournament and competitive environment. In 2023, we have already assembled 7 teams. And we hope the upward movement will continue. Players who trust us know that we stand for quality and adherence to the principles of beauty, harmony and sportsmanship.

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