The intrigue is getting bigger. Who will be the winner? (Today is the second round)


This year the rules of one of the most interesting and massive national championships in the world have been changed. The Dutch 2024/2025 Team Championship enters its final stage on Saturday, February 22.

According to the new Rules after the round-robin tournament the four strongest teams advance to the final tournament. In this four team final the points scored in the previous stage will not be taken into account. The teams start from scratch. And the tension in each game will be very high, as well as the responsibility for each move.

So, the following teams reached the Grand Final: Damcombinatie Fryslân, Hijken DTC, Witte van Moort, WSDV. Each of these teams has its own leaders and sometimes several leaders. The Witte van Moort team looks the most modest among these four. There are two world-renowned leaders in this team: Jitse Slump and Danylo Sokolov. That’s why we think it’s going to be the hardest for this team. But… who knows what surprises the Grand Final will bring us.

Let’s sit down at the computers and enjoy watching the games with Jan Groenendijk, Alexander Baliakin, Alexander Shvartsman, Wouter Sipma, Martin Dolfing, Matheo Boxum, Harm Wiersma, Guntis Valneris and many others.

Dutch Teamcompetition KNDB 2024/2025

Round 1:

Game fragments:

Koos van Amerongen – Roberts Misans.

Roberts Misans pleased us with the beauty. In a difficult, but tied, position Roberts ‘caught’ his opponent. In the position on the diagram white decided to move 1. 7-16?? and black quickly responded 23-28! This position is lost for white. On attack 2. 16-27?? black caught the white queen in a loop 47-24!

Other responses for white also lead to a loss.

Roel Boomstra – Danylo Sokolov

Roel Boomstra finished the game beautifully in the Grand Final. In the game with Danylo Sokolov Roel Boomstra sacrificed a piece 1. 28-22!!! with the first move in this position and then made a quiet move 2. 42-38, and black responded with 2. … 18-22 using two rules of international draughts at once! The win is beautiful: 3. 47-41 and 4. 23-19. The Dutch scheme!


Round 2


Who will win the Dutch Teamcompetition KNDB 2024/2025?

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